mazel tov!
Adam became bar mitzvah on April 14th and I am FINALLY sharing pictures!!
This post may be a little late in coming, BUT... we are not short on any awesomeness, I'll tell you that! Adam is part of my now Temple Beth Or Family, and I know they are all SO PROUD of him! I met with the super fun Burchell family early in the morning before the ceremony for portraits and I could tell right away that Adam was going to be amazing. Confident and full of smiles, this lacrosse player was game for pics in the trees, hamming it up on the bema, and being silly with his family. He was loved on by everyone, especially his little cousin! He did his torah portion with confidence, spoke about what was important to him, and did it all with a smile! His luncheon afterwards had everyone laughing and eating among the lacrosse sticks. The party later on that night was held at Mia Francesca's, and it. was. AWESOME. Among the amazing Italian food was dancing, slideshows, glow necklaces, and casino games! YES, for reals, casino games, and it was SO MUCH FUN!!!! There was a candy table, a photo booth, and chips enough for everyone to have a good time!
Thank you to the Burchell Family for letting me be a part of the fun!!
Photography: Audrey with Rose Trail Images
Ceremony and Luncheon: Temple Beth Or
Reception Venue and Food: Mia Francesca at North Hills
DJ: Kate with Across the Pond DJ Entertainment