lifestyle sessions
What is a lifestyle session?
I get this question a lot! Some people think it's staged pictures done in your home. Others feel like it can't be done in their home because it's not pretty enough, not bright enough, it's too messy, allllll the excuses. So, let me clarify.
Yes. All this. And none of this.
This is how I like to think about it... a lifestyle session is a snapshot of what your life is like at THIS exact moment in time. Whether you're just bringing home a newborn or moved into a new house. Or maybe you just want to capture your kiddos at play before they get too big for blocks and story time. Or maybe someone is having their head shaved at home due to cancer treatments. It's whatever REAL moment you want captured. Either done somewhere special, or at home.
Your house does NOT have to be magazine worthy. It doesn't even have to be clean! It just has to be represented as who you are as a family. One of my favorite signs I own says " Messy kitchen, dirty floors, and happy kids". Now, I firmly believe that you don't have to have those things in order to have happy kids... but it makes me feel better about myself.
Lifestyle sessions are pretty much the embodiment of why I love photography so much. I don't want a posed picture on the couch. I don't want a little one looking at me saying "cheeeeeeese". I just want to capture the REAL moments at home!
the miller family
Back in May, I was able to do just that which makes my heart the happiest... a true lifestyle session! Alayna, a fellow photographer, just wanted someone to come into her home to capture her chaos and love. And I was totally down and ready for the challenge! This sweet family let me in for a couple hours while I captured pillow fights, tickle fests, tea time, block fun, and more. It. Was. Amazing. And I am truly grateful for the experience!
Want something like this for your family??? Contact me today to set it up!